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Résultats de la recherche par "finasteride"
Finax (finasteride) is a drug designed to treat hair loss in men. This drug can slow down the process of baldness and promote the growth of new hair on the scalp in men who suffer from androgenic alopecia. It acts by blocking the activity o
Le finastéride est efficace dans le traitement de l'hyperplasie bénigne de la prostate (HBP) et de la calvitie masculine. Il contribue à la réduction des symptômes liés à l'HBP, comme la difficulté d'uriner et des mictions fréquent
Finast is indicated for the treatment of benign proliferation of prostate tissue with the purpose of reducing its size and slowing the pathological process. The drug is successfully used to normalize the outflow of urine in case of a benign
Finpecia est prescrit pour le traitement de la calvitie de type masculin.
Propecia est un médicament servant au traitement de la perte de cheveux.